Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A bit of an update

As I'm traveling through the beautiful Greek countryside, I thought I'd update! Last week was spent for the most part in Paris. Visited the Louvre and Notre Dome, the Eiffel tower and the Arc de Triomphe.

My favorite part was seeing the operahouse where Phantom of the Opera originated. When I went to Paris my senior year of high school, though we were just outside the operahouse, I didn't go in. I had regretted it ever since. There's no other feeling quite like rectifying a regret. That wouldn't have been possible though had I gone to Versailles with the girls but as it was I woke with a terrible headache. Just goes to show everything happens for a reason...

My second choice that I really wanted to do in Paris was Disney! That's right... Disneyland Paris. And for the record- if there's anywhere I belong it's Disneyland. That and North Pole City haha. I did my first loop on a rollercoaster that day- and no one even saw that coming. Before heading to Disney we saw the catacombs which was the other thing I had wanted to do in Paris. Really creepy, but I'm glad we went. Basically a whole bunch of skeletons in winding underground tunnels. And when I saw a whole bunch that really means between 6 and 7 million bodies. Yea- intense.

From Paris we split up, one back to Swansea for a day or so, one to Morocco, and the remaining three of us to Athens.

Athens is a lot bigger than it looks. After seeing the acropolis, Hadrian's Arch the Parthenon and the Temple of Zeus, it makes you scoff at what the US calls history cause this stuff is just so old! Literally ancient. After staying in Athens two days, we embarked on a coach tour of Greece seeing the original Olympic stadium, museum of Delphi, etc.  Out hotels were amazing, with balconies where the view got better each night. 

Now let me tell you about the food- if you ever come you must try a Greek salad, gyros and baklava. Moussaka, slouvaki, and lamb are also all very good.

The Greek countryside is beautiful, positively stunning. But the country is poor and one cannot miss that fact. So many peddlers and homeless roam the streets. And they're very aggressive in seeking money. That goes for shopkeepers and even hosts of restaurants too. But this makes it not so much dangerous but much more liable for theft. At a park we saw a man lift a woman's bag. Luckily she saw and called out chasing after him. He dropped it and walked off but after that we were all much more aware of our surroundings.

Tonight is our last night in Greece. Tomorrow we fly to Rome where we will spend a couple days before heading to Sicily.Wish me luck!!

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