Sunday, June 12, 2011

One Last Journey

A week from today I'll be back at home, in my own room, hopefully with my cat and dog. I'm so looking forward to coming home, but it'll be sad to leave this place. Starting to pack today was bittersweet. I can't really say that I'll miss any certain thing. But I will miss the people. Most definitely.

I took my final trip before the trip home this past week. After completing my exam on Monday, I headed to Barcelona for a couple nights. I met up with my mom and a few other people who I've been able to travel with. It was just for a couple nights, literally two days, but it meant the world seeing her and all.

The oddest thing was being able to show them around Barcelona. Since I had spent a week there less than a month ago, I still knew my way around a bit and could tell them the different things to see. That was lovely since they were only there a couple days really. The only bummer was the fact that it rained. And when I say rained, I mean poured. The whole week I was there, there wasn't any rain. It definitely made up for it this time around haha.

These 5 months have gone by so fast. I've been so incredibly lucky to have the housemates I've had, to have had friends visit, and to have my family visit. Not to mention to travel as much as I have. It's been an amazing semester, an opportunity of a lifetime. I look forward to remembering it and sharing it <3

Mom and I outside the place we had dinner at

1 comment:

  1. I just saw the story about you on and immediately followed the link and read your entire blog! It sounds like you had a lot of fun, and you tell everything in what is obviously a way that is uniquely yours. I loved it! You definitely should continue to blog! :-)
