Friday, March 25, 2011

Unlucky Charm

I'm seriously beginning to wonder if I am an unlucky charm. After the things that went awry with the other trip, and now Birmingham.

Tuesday my friend Lisa and I headed to Birmingham to see Taylor Swift in concert. It didn't start out to well what with trains being delayed due to a power outage in Cardiff. Nonetheless, we're optimists and were too excited to let that sway our mood.

It was a lovely day. We had lunch at Nando's, which is known for it's chicken, walked around the market and the bull ring, and enjoyed a coffee, just talking and enjoying the freedom. The concert was really good. The opening performance was two guys from Glasgow- not sure who they were but they were good. Very good harmonies as Lisa mentioned.

Taylor Swift was amazing. The thing I love the most about her is how sincere, genuine and down to earth she seems. Sure, who knows. But still- I'm a fan haha. She went through a lot of songs and quickly which was different from back home in the US. The arena was quite small and that was really nice. So that when she moved closer, to a different stage in the middle of the audience, we actually felt like she was closer. It was very nice.

Here is where my bad luck reared it's ugly head. We left the concert early (9:30) in order to call a cab to get us to the railway station for our 10:12 train. After waiting 15 minutes we call only for them to say 10 more minutes. And after that another 10 minutes... Suffice it to say that we were there much longer. After the concert let out. After the traffic got ridiculous. After the train left. AFTER the concert was over- yea still a bit bitter about this if you can't tell haha. And what's worse is the cab never showed. Never.  Now, it takes a lot to get me irate. Really. I like to think I'm a laid back, mellow person. But I was severely irate. Eventually we just hopped in a cab to the station....

At the station we found out that the next train to Swansea left at 5- in the morning. And it was about 11. This is the point where a swear word would be used for the record. But none came out I don't think- Lisa can say for sure haha. Luckily though, she has a friend studying in Birmingham so we were able to crash at his dorm for a bit before catching the train. We were lucky- it could always be worse. It simply really angers me that we left the concert early.

But on to more adventures!

My April plans our set now: 4 days in Paris, fly to Athens, 2 days in Athens, a classical Greek cruise for 3 days, and then a week in Italy. Not sure where we're headed in Italy but we'll have a week to just go wherever before we end up in Rome for a couple days. Then I'll hop on a plane and fly to Dublin to meet up with my family and spend the week with them in Ireland. I'm really excited! I'm a bit nervous too though, just because that's a long time to be on the go. I'll do my best to update on here, but you'll have to stay tuned to Facebook for photos.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bonjour Paris!

Part I: London
Getting there was a bit of a challenge. More so for Jay than I- because I sent him to the Queens Hotel in London. How many Queens Hotels are there in London? Probably about as many Beverly Hills Hotels as there are in Beverly Hills- oops. But once we were together it was smooth sailing from there! Well.... ok mostly haha.

The first day we saw Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Covent Garden and.... the Lion King! I had been to the others before but let me just say, the last was a favorite. I have seen Wicked, Legally Blonde the Musical, and now the Lion King but the Lion King is by far my favorite. The costumes were amazing, the setting stunning, not to mention the props and singing. Awesome, really. 

Our other day in London, we went to Windsor Castle. I hadn't ever been before so this was extra fun for me. I quite liked it. The grounds are so big! But I quite liked the town too... very medieval and folky which I like the feel of. I think the Queens Dollhouses were my favorite out of the castle exhibits. The scenery was so picturesque too.

Part II: Paris
By the time we managed to get to Paris and locate our hotel.... we were absolutely bushed. So not much happened that night except for a nice few glasses of wine haha. The next day though we went and found the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe--full day!

For the record.... the last picture is at Notre Dame. Now you might not know this... but that's why you have me... You have to get a crepe by Notre Dame. It's simply a requirement- And one you'll be all too happy to fill I promise.

Our second day, we went to Versailles. Very decadent and posh. But my gardens there are my favorite. I absolutely love just sitting and enjoying the day- and we were graced with a very beautiful one. We were very lucky. 

all in 24 karat gold by the way

this was taken in the garden of versailles- our favorite pic of the trip

Part III: Traveling
For the record... I'm not so great at knowing what's up. But I definitely missed a few big things this trip. The first was realizing that although our flight from London left at 7:20 (so we had to be there 2 hours before that), the tubes don't start operating until 7. Uh oh. So a cab ride there- ouch. But then we were ok... til I realized we were flying back to Exeter instead of Cardiff- huh? Yea... Boarding the plane took 1, 2, 3, oh yea- 4 steps and we were on the plane. Tiny plane. And the airport was about the same size: one story, one baggage claim, one terminal. Oh well, got a story out of it haha. At least Jay was a sport. 

This week I'm headed to a concert in Birmingham Tuesday (yay!!!) and then a paper due Friday (booo!!). Other than that... That's my life! Hope everyone enjoyed their break and is enjoying spring =)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'll Be Back Swansea!

So, I'm off to London tomorrow to meet my friend Jay!! I'm so excited. We'll be spending three nights in London. Oh and see the Lion King musical. Umm, yes I'm thrilled. It's like a piece of home coming to visit me. Now if only he could pack my cat and dog....

But London! I'm so excited to show him around. Just think of all the movies that took place in London... Shakespeare in Love, Sherlock Holmes, Sweeney Todd and My Fair Lady to name a few. Then again you can't forget....

And of course....

Then we're headed to Paris!!!!

From Funny Face of course. And then there's also Anastasia, The Da Vinci Code, Moulin Rouge, and a favorite of mine....

Ok. So those are some of the more well-known movies that are also a few of my favorites as well.
I'll be back Weds. With tons of pictures and stories as well. Take care until then- oh and send me mail! Haha

Thursday, March 3, 2011

So little time...

Whew! Busy busy. Went to Stonehenge and Avebury this past Saturday. I liked the feel of Avebury more. There were museums and a church in the center of the site and it was all very picturesque. I liked the stones at Stonehenge more though- go figure. The other thing I quite liked about Avebury was that we had a guided tour- with a real live guide! Haha, these days it seems that's getting more and more rare. The day was worth it, but in the end... they're still just rocks which I'm sure I could get shot for saying. But hey, facts are facts.

So this week's been pretty mellow but a bit stressful as well- trying to find the best deals and book things and figure out transportation and things stress me out. I've found this out. So best to do it in sections. Next week my dear friend Jay will be coming in from the states!!! I'm very excited. We'll be spending a few nights in London before heading to Paris for a bit. And then Swansea of course haha. 

Headed to Cardiff Saturday I think. Just trying to write this paper for my Propaganda class before Thursday. Wish me luck!