Thursday, March 3, 2011

So little time...

Whew! Busy busy. Went to Stonehenge and Avebury this past Saturday. I liked the feel of Avebury more. There were museums and a church in the center of the site and it was all very picturesque. I liked the stones at Stonehenge more though- go figure. The other thing I quite liked about Avebury was that we had a guided tour- with a real live guide! Haha, these days it seems that's getting more and more rare. The day was worth it, but in the end... they're still just rocks which I'm sure I could get shot for saying. But hey, facts are facts.

So this week's been pretty mellow but a bit stressful as well- trying to find the best deals and book things and figure out transportation and things stress me out. I've found this out. So best to do it in sections. Next week my dear friend Jay will be coming in from the states!!! I'm very excited. We'll be spending a few nights in London before heading to Paris for a bit. And then Swansea of course haha. 

Headed to Cardiff Saturday I think. Just trying to write this paper for my Propaganda class before Thursday. Wish me luck!

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