Monday, February 7, 2011

More Late Nights... or early mornings I guess you could say

I'm not so sure what I can blame these late nights on. I didn't get to sleep until 6 am Saturday morning (which was still Friday night for me) and then last night I didn't get to sleep until 7 am (or this morning more accurately). Running on three hours of sleep is not doing wonders for me. And unfortunately I don't think jet lag occurs three weeks after your arrival... This situation will be fixed though.

A non sequitur to say the least, but I went to the pub/bar Friday night and saw my first rugby game. I must admit, I think I'm much more a rugby girl than a football game. There's more consecutive play, it's not as long, and it's easier to understand.

This particular match was quite intense as it was Wales vs England. Although I'm in Wales, there were probably an equal amount of both supporters just because not everyone here is from Wales. The most interesting thing I heard about rugby was that every now and again if England scored or whatever, then the fans would start singing "Swing Lo Sweet Chariot"- now here's the story. Apparently a player for England lost his mom right before a huge match. The day after her death he still played and he not only that but he played amazingly and after the game he sang this song.

The following night was a movie night- Pocahontas, Robin Hood (which I had never seen) and Watership Down (which I had certainly never seen). The first two were Disney, and that's how we ended up watching the last one. Apparently it is a well-known British kids film. Goodness I sound British now saying film haha. Anyway, supposedly it's popular and usually played around Christmastime and a British friend thought it was Disney. Here's the trailer:

Just by looking at the trailer you should be able to tell 1. It's not Disney animation and 2. It's far too sketchy, gory and depressing to be Disney related. I found it creepy and a tad disturbing and I'm 21 so take that as you will.

In other news, I received my first letter Saturday which just made my life so much brighter. It was a card that became a bouquet from my family back home. So sweet. Made me realize how much I miss them. I'm a lucky girl.

Well that's all for now. After all, you can only expect so much from the girl running on three hours worth of sleep. Take care!

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